FLIGHT NO: 1-A-142 DATE OF REPORT: December 24, 1968

PILOT: Maj. Knight DATE OF FLIGHT: December 12, 1968

CARRIER AIRCRAFT: B-52 #003 LAUNCH LAKE: Railroad Valley

ENGINE SERIAL: 106 APU #1 17 APU #2 23

PURPOSE OF FLIGHT: 1. WTR Experiment (20)

2. High Altitude IR Background (24)

3. High Altitude Sky Brightness (19)

4. Fluidic Probe

5. Fixed Alpha Ball

I. Discussion

A. This report summarizes the events during the attempt to attain flight 1-82. Due to inclement weather, the flight was not flown.

The Operations and instrumentation crews as well as supporting shop and inspection personnel are to be commended for maintaining their good spirits and high quality work through this flying season, even though it was pretty well believed to be the last season.

B. The Autonetics experiment, installed in the tip pod, went through vibration and altitude cold temperature environmental testing. A series of wing mode tests, with and without the experiment installed, were conducted to check the wing flutter mode frequencies.

C. The WTR experiment was altitude tested at 0°F after replacement of the failed relay.

II. Configuration Changes A. The pod camera was removed from the right hand tip pod and the Autonetics experiment (24) was installed.

B. The engine (S/N 103) was removed for repair of the thrust mount. After reinstallation and a ground run, some cracks were found in injector spuds, one of which was unacceptable. The engine was replaced by S/N 106.

C. New inner windshields were installed to correct a distortion condition. According to the pilots the distortion has been getting worse over the last few flights.

D. After the cancellation on 27 November both blowers were changed, number two because it was overheated and number one because it had wax deposited from the number two blower. The number two blower switch was found to have the B-phase contact welded shut and was replaced.

III. Preflight Events A. Engine, APU, and BCS runs were accomplished on 18 November. The number two APU catalyst bed was bad and was replaced, the APU run being repeated on 19 November. Engine 103 was found to have a cracked spud and was replaced by 106, the run being repeated on 22 November.

B. The aircraft was mated to B-52 #008 on 25 November. A breathing oxygen "O" ring was found to be leaking during post-mate checks and was replaced.

C. The aircraft was serviced on 26 November. Since some LN2 leaked into the elevator bay through the heat and vent system, the oscillograph film was replaced. A problem then occurred with the fire warning indicator which was traced to a bad connector in the engine area. The Autonetics experiment had a power wire broken which was repaired, then a Helium leak occurred in number two APU source. Flight was then canceled and rescheduled for 27 November.

D. Servicing on 27 November was normal, except that the other end of the Autonetics wire broken on 26 November was found to be broken and was repaired. After pilot entry an H2O2 leak through the BCS-jettison valve and manual valve caused steaming of the right yaw rocket. The steaming stopped with BCS on, so it was elected to continue. The number two blower then overheated, canceling the flight.

E. As B-52 #008 was scheduled for IRAN, the X-15 was demated on 27 November. Due to occupation of 003 by the HL-10, pilot and target availability, work to be accomplished and present preflight status, it was decided to preflight the aircraft again. Flight was then rescheduled for 10 December.

F. APU and BCS runs were accomplished on 5 December.

G. The aircraft was mated to B-52 #003 on 9 December.

H. Flight was canceled for weather on 10 December just prior to servicing.

I. Flight was again canceled for weather on 11 December and an inertial guidance system problem was found and repaired.

J. Flight l-A-142 was aborted on 12 December, for inertial guidance system and weather at the launch lake. The CEU and platform were replaced.

K. Flight was canceled on 13 December for weather. An engine-governor flange hydraulic leak was found and checked for rate both with and without the pump operating. The leak rate was within acceptable limits for flight.

L. No attempt was made to fly on 16 December, the weather was unacceptable.

M. Flight was canceled on 17 December due to lack of C-130 support.

N. Flight was canceled on 18 December for weather. As there was to be no microwave on 19 or 20 December, the flight plan was changed to Hidden Hills to get some data for Autonetics, flight not being attempted on 19 December to allow sufficient preparation time.

O. Flight was canceled on 20 December for weather.

P. The aircraft was demated on 20 December and is being prepared for indefinite storage.

Approve By: Prepared by:

Perry V. Row Vincent N. Capasso

X-15 Senior Project Engineer X-15 Project Engineer